Oral History and Memory: A Personal Journey


Abstract: Autobiographical essay by Margaret Randall on her experience as a cultural and social activist who focused part of her work in Oral History. “How I got into doing oral history was simple. The way I went about it responded to my lack of formal training—I had no university degree, wasn’t an anthropologist or ethnographer. In line with my innate pragmatism, I wanted to know and so I asked.

Palabras clave

testimonio; literatura testimonial; América Latina; feminismo; memoria; Casa de las Américas; Cuba; Margaret Randall

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Bibliography Barnet, Miguel (1966). Biografía de un cimarrón. Havana: Instituto del libro. Burgos-Debray, Elizabeth (1982). Me llamo Rigoberta Menchú y así me nació la conciencia. Havana: Casa de las Américas. Folger, Tim. “Does the Universe Exist if We’re Not Looking?”. Discover Magazine. (June 2000): 44-45. García Alonso, Aida (1968). Manuela la Mexicana. Havana: Casa de las Américas. Poniatowska, Elena (1971). La noche de Tlatelolco. Mexico DF: Siglo XXI. Randall, Margaret (1972). La mujer cubana ahora.Havana: Cuban Book Institute. Randall, Margaret (1974). Cuban Women Now. Ontario, The Women’s Press. Randall, Margaret (1975). Spirit of the People: Vietnamese Women Two Years from the Geneva Accords,Vancouver: New Star Books. Randall, Margaret (1977). Somos millones, la vida de Doris María, combatiente nicaraguense.Mexico City, Extemporaneos. Randall, Margaret (1978). Doris Tijerino, Inside the Nicaraguan Revolution, Vancouver: New Star Books. Randall, Margaret (1978b). El pueblo no solo es testigo: la historia de Dominga, Río Piedras: Puerto Rico. Randall, Margaret (1978c). No se puede hacer la revolución sin nosotras, Havana: Casa de las Américas. Randall, Margaret (1981). Sandino’s Daughters. Vancouver: New Star Books. Randall, Margaret (1983). Testimonios.San José: Alforja Centro de Estudios de Participación. Randall, Margaret (1983b). Christians in the Nicaraguan Revolution. Vancouver: New Star Books,1983. Randall, Margaret (1984). Risking a Somersault in the Air: Conversations with Nicaraguan Writers. San Francisco: Solidarity Publications. Randall, Margaret (1990).Coming Home: Peace Without Complacency. Albuquerque: West End Press. Randall, Margaret (1994). Sandino’s Daughters Revisited, New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press. Randall, Margaret (1996). The Price You Pay: The Hidden Cost of Women’s Relationship to Money.New York: Routledge. Randall, Margaret (2001).Where They Left You for Dead / Halfway Home. Berkeley: EdgeWork Books. Randall, Margaret (2002). When I Look Into the Mirror and See You: Women, Terror, and Resistance.New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press. Randall, Margaret (2007). Stones Witness. Tucson: The University of Arizona Press. Randall, Margaret (2009).Their Backs to the Sea, San Antonio: Wings Press. Randall, Margaret (2010). My Town.San Antonio:Wings Press. Randall, Margaret (2011).Ruins. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press. Randall, Margaret (2013).The Rhizome as a Field of Broken Bones, San Antonio: Wings Press. Randall, Margaret (2014). About Little Charlie Lindbergh. San Antonio: Wings Press. Randall, Margaret ; Moreno, Ángel Antonio (1979).Sueños y realidades de un guajiricantor . Mexico D.F. : Siglo XXI. Stoll, David (1999). Rigoberta Menchú and the Story of All Poor Guatemalans. Colorado: Westview Press. Walsh, Rodolfo (1957).Operación masacre. Buenos Aires, Ediciones Sigla.

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