Isocrates, Hieronymus Wolf and Juan Luis Vives


This contribution starts with a detailed presentation of  the German humanist Hieronymus Wolf  (1516-1580) and his life-long involvement with the Athenian rhetorician Isocrates (436-338 BCE). It focuses further on the relation between Wolf and Juan Luis Vives, and especially on the tactful way in which Wolf dealt with a puzzling error by Vives in his Latin letter to Cardinal Wolsey introducing his Latin translations of Isocrates’s Areopagiticus and Nicocles Vives had indeed affirmed that Nicocles was king of Salamis, an island of the Aegean Sea, whereas in reality he was king of Salamis, a city of Cyprus and lived in the fourth century BCE.

Paraules clau

Vives; Nicocles; Isocrates; Hieronymus Wolf

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