Call for Papers: The science of sex

Sex brings us happiness. However, human sexual attraction is a complex cocktail. We understand how an erection or an orgasm works, but it is not always easy to predict a sexual reaction: why are we more aroused on some days? Why does a particular person arouse an almost irrepressible desire while many others do notAnd what about increasingly common forms of relationships such as polyamory, open partnerships, or swinging?

Sex involves purely physiological, hormonal, and neurological aspects, but also psychosocial ones. Both biological and cultural factors play a role. And science, from a multidisciplinary perspective, has a lot to say about it. There is already a long tradition of studies that explain the mechanisms of desire and arousal, but there are still aspects whose functioning is still not well understood.

The aim of this monographic issue coordinated by science journalist and populariser Pere Estupinyà for Metode Science Studies Journal is to review the current state of these and other fundamental questions about sex from a scientific perspective.

Special monograph on «The science of sex». Instructions for the submission of articles.

  • Deadline for submission: 15 December 2024.

  • Publication due date: volume 3, 2025.

  • Submission languages: Catalan, Spanish, or English.

  • Length: 16,000 – 20,000 characters (including spaces and bibliographical references). For more information, check the Author guidelines.

Mètode Science Studies Journal is indexed in Scopus, Emerging Sources Citation Index, ERIH Plus and Latindex, among other databases of peer-reviewed publications.

In order to submit a manuscript, the authors previously need to register here (authors from the University of Valencia must register with their UV mail username and password). Once they have a username and password, they can submit the file from here.
