Printed hyper-texts in the Greek literature for children. Breaking the canon and creating a new type of implied reader: the case of Eugene Trivizasa


The article focuses on two ground-breaking books by the renowned author Eugene Trivizas, which adopt a  hyper -media logic, incorporating, apart from text and image, forms of expression that refer to the digital world of multimedia.

We analyse in detail the hyper-text characteristics of the selected books which make the process of reading a game that involves the energetic participation of the young readers.

We argue that in view of the contemporary canon of the Greek children's literature, that is, books that adopt a linear form of narration, printed hyper-texts like the ones we examine are examples of non-canonical literature, and enrich the form  but also the content of contemporary Greek literature for children. At the same time, because of their hyper-text characteristics, such books construct an implied reader with quite a few qualifications, an implied reader who is not deterred by their neoteric  form, accepts the initiative that they offer him and enjoys the reading game.

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