La traducció del «Tirant lo Blanch» en neerlandès


Bob de Nijs exposes some considerations about possible sources of different episodis of Tirant lo Blanch which arose when preparing the translation into Dutch. De Nijs focuses basically on the coincidences in the argument (the burial of both lovers in Brittany, for instance) and in the re-use of the characters (the Fresian king or Pyramus, Diafebus 's shield bearer) between the Tirant and Tristan et Iseut, which is one of the landmarks of the literature created in Brittany. The last part of the study analyses the influences of the ecclesiastic liturgy in some episodis in Constantinople. As an introduction, the Belgian translator summarises the preliminary stages of his work and exposes shortly the social and linguistic situation of the Dutch speakers who are divided into different states.

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Tirant lo Blanch; traducció al neerlandès

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Versió electrònica ISSN 2386-7159 / Versió impresa ISSN 0214-8188
Llicència internacional Creative Commons 4.0 BY-NC-ND