Mèxic en l'obra de Pere Calders


Pere Calders’ long exile in Mexico gave rise, in a literary sense, to the works
which critics have given the name “Mexican themes”: «Gent de l’alta vall», «L’ombra de l’atzavara» and «Aquí descansa Nevares», published together in volume 2 of his «Obres Completes», together with «Apunts per a dos contes mexicans». The principle aspects I will deal with in this article are the homogeneity or heterogeneity of these works in relation to the rest of Calders’ work, the discussion on whether his work can be described as “realistic” and their lukewarm reception of his work.

Paraules clau

Pere Calders; Mèxic; exili; «Gent de l’alta vall»; «L’ombra de l’atzavara»; «Aquí descansa Nevares»

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Versió electrònica ISSN 2386-7159 / Versió impresa ISSN 0214-8188
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