Aportació a l'estudi de la conjunció concessiva «jatsia»


Concessive connectors are the focal point of grammaticalization processes, based on several types of lexical sources. In Catalan, «jatsia» (that) is the result of a
grammaticalization process based on an aspectual temporary adverb (or phase adverb), which is comparable to the process that produced «encara que». The case of «encara que» has already been studied specifically by Pérez Saldanya & Salvador (1995), while Klesper (1930), Badia (1982) and Cuenca & Massip (2005) have focused on «jatsia» (that). The interest of the study of these processes is increased in the case of «jatsia»(that) by the polymorphism it shows and by the displacement it has experimented in its use, since it has gone from being of general use in the expression of concessivity to be practically out of use. This is especially due to the fact that this displacement is not restrictive to Catalan but common to other Romance languages,and because it can correlate directly with the generalization of encara que and the
appearance of the causal ja que (or later «ja...ja...» in its distributive use). And also, because of the incidence that it had in the precepts of the period and in contemporary
normative coding.

Paraules clau

ancient Catalan; syntax; complex sentence; subordination; concessive sentence; concessive conjunctive locution; concessive conjunction; concessive connector; grammaticalization; aspectual temporary adverb; regulations.

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