Les anotacions marginals al «De amore» català


A new, philological edition of the marginal notes in Andreas Capellanus’ «DeAmore’s» medieval Catalan translation, uniquely preserved in Real Biblioteca de Madrid’s manuscript II-3096 (I), accompanied by transcriptions of the sentence or paragraph which each note refers to. These notes are thematically classified in four groups and described so as to outline their medieval annotator’s main interests.

Paraules clau

Medieval Catalan literature; History of culture; Lower Middle Ages; History of ideas; the Medieval idea of human love; History of education; erotodidactism

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Contacte: infocaplletra@uv.es

Versió electrònica ISSN 2386-7159 / Versió impresa ISSN 0214-8188
Llicència internacional Creative Commons 4.0 BY-NC-ND
