The flipped classroom and the use of educational software videos in initial teaching education. Qualitative study


In many courses, the way to implement the ‘flipped classroom’ methodology takes recorded video lectures as reference material. In this case, a group of lectures about educational software, recording the computer screen (screencast) has been used, in order to allow students to spend the practice sessions time solving problems with the cited software. The study described below has been done following a qualitative methodology, using participant observation and individual interviews to inquire about the teaching-learning process of the students in four categories: effort/benefit, difficulty, usefulness and satisfaction. These categories have been defined starting from the scientific bibliography review and the observation process. As a result, it has been observed that, in spite of the several distinct patterns found in the way and time exposed to the videos, the majority of students made positive comments about their potential to better solve in-classroom problems. Besides, they noticed improvements in the interaction with students and teachers when they needed to pose questions or doubts. Finally, they manifested that the experience should be applied to every practice session.



flipped classroom; active methodologies; educational software; videos; problem solving; qualitative study


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