Teaching academic writing: An intervention across the curriculum


In this article, a proposal intervention is described to reveal the actions undertaken in the Speech Therapy Degree at UCLM to train both teachers and students in the development of competence in written communication.

First, training theorical and methodological is offered to the teachers that provided tools to work with students in writing skills in academic areas. In this sense, the most important was the methodology of intervention proposed to teachers to approach the teaching of academic writing and the beginning of a collaborative teaching job with opportunities to across the training of graduate students. Second, this methodology was implemented in the first course degree classroom by introducing different forms of textual difficulty contextualized in meaningful writing activities in different subjects. The texts, written in group by students, were reviewed by both teachers and students themselves, generating a process of peer review.

It is true that we found some difficulties to provide continuity and progression throughout the Speech Therapy Degree in the project, but it cannot be denied that the innovation experience developed offers a useful starting point to approach the teaching of academic writing across the curriculum.


academic writing, written composition, teaching innovation, universitary education


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