"Tyrichae" al riu Sénia. Rellegint l' "Ora Maritima" d'Aviè


The works of archaeological research developed in the last years on the territories of the Ebre and Sénia rivers, located straddling Catalonia and the Valencian Country, have been intense and significant. The advances obtained in the knowledge of the protohistoric communities of the zone allow us to carry out a new reading of Ora Maritima from Avienus. In a more specific way, in this work we explore the possibility to assimilate the toponym Tyrichae, mentioned in this text, with one of the settlements placed on this territory.

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Editada por el Departament de Prehistòria, Arqueologia i Història Antiga de la Universitat de València

ISSN electrónico: 2174-517X

ISSN impreso: 0210-3729

doi: 10.7203/SAGVNTVM