L'«Atles lingüístic del valencià meridional i alacantí» (ALVA)


This paper is the official presentation, since the project was first started in 1978, of the forthcoming «Atles Lingüístic del Valencià Meridional i Alacantí» (ALVA) (Linguistic Atlas of Southern Valencian and Alacantí), which so far had not been explicitly publicized. This paper, divided in two sections, includes the background of the author, the birth of the Atlas, the original questionnaire and its evolution, the network of towns studied, the aims of the project, the research method, the present questionnaire, the findings beyond the questionnaire, the cartographic representation and a brief set of maps and comments showing the importance that microatles with a very specific questionnaire may have in reduced contexts in certain peripheral areas.

Paraules clau

«Atles Lingüístic del Valencià Meridional i Alacantí» (ALVA); microatles; dialectologia catalana

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Contacte: infocaplletra@uv.es

Versió electrònica ISSN 2386-7159 / Versió impresa ISSN 0214-8188
Llicència internacional Creative Commons 4.0 BY-NC-ND
