Variació oral. Reflexions sobre l'estudi de la llengua oral


Although modern linguistics has (theoretically) supported the primacy of the analysis of oral language over written texts, the comparison of studies based on the two kinds of analysis show the tradition of studies on many aspects of oraility.
This paper, based on the statement above, presents a number of problems originated in the study of oral language and its different
modes. The obstacles and difficulties are present during all stages of the research: from the data selection and collection (unthinkable
without clear objectives) to problems dealing with the transcription and analysis of the data and to the limitation of variables, which are the essence of variation.

Paraules clau

variació oral; llengua oral; oralitat

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Versió electrònica ISSN 2386-7159 / Versió impresa ISSN 0214-8188
Llicència internacional Creative Commons 4.0 BY-NC-ND