Foreign Exchange students and the control of the free-riding problem


This study discusses a teaching experience that has been taking place at the School of Economics and Business at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) since the academic year 2012-2013. We implement a self-evaluation mechanism: students working on group projects are required to deliver a joint declaration in which they asses their individual participation in the accomplishment of the joint task. The importance of this device is twofold. On the one hand, it reduces conflictivity among team members and, on the other hand, it delivers quantitative elements to the lecturer for grading the individual participation to the group report.  The results of our experience provide evidence that foreign students can be a valuable tool to control for the free-riding problem in homework projects performed by teamwork groups.


Teamwork group, foreign exchange students, free-riding problem


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Editor: Servei de Formació Permanent i Innovació Educativa. Tel. 0034 961625030 | Fax. 0034 961625032 | Valencia. España

ISSN: 1989-3477 |  Depósito Legal: V5051-2008


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