A new methodology of autonomous learning aplied to a Chemical Engineering practice through research- action techniques


A group of teachers from the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering of the University of Seville has carried out a project based on an action-research methodology. The objective is to improve the results achieved in the teaching of the course: Chemical Engineering Laboratory. The project consisted in developing a new procedure for teaching the laboratory work that helps improving the learning process and experimental skills of the students. The new procedure developed included an exercise in which the student had to work independently to develop an experimental procedure. The results obtained with the new procedure were compared with the traditional method employed for teaching the subject. The comparison showed that although the students are not motivated to work autonomously and tend to adopt a passive role in their own learning process, the new method helped improve the laboratory set up and commissioning based on the applicability of the theoretical concepts.


action research, Chemical Engineering Laboratory, self-learning, autonomous work


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ISSN: 1989-3477 |  Depósito Legal: V5051-2008


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