Using Berkeley Madonna for model development in Chemical Engineering education


Modelling is a fundamental methodological procedure used to solve engineering problems. It consists of representing the problem so that the actual system can be replaced by a more suitable one that allows its formal treatment. This is the reason why to learn modelling is important in the study of Chemical Engineering and is part of the competences comprised in the module of specific technology, Industrial Chemistry (Order CIN/351/2009).In this paper, the use of the software Berkeley Madonna for Modelling study of bacterial growth on one or more substrates is proposed for its use in Biotechnological Process subject of the Degree in Biotechnology. Due to its ease of use this program is regarded as an effective method to learn and practise modelling problems in the teaching of chemical engineering in a university level environment. By using this software the students will be able to practice the fundamental tasks related to the development of models (qualitative description, selection of hypothesis, proposal of differential and algebraic equations governing the system, analysis of the degrees of freedom, solving, testing and reformulation). In addition, the students will be able to conduct a sensitivity analysis of the proposed models with respect to their adjustment parameters in order to determine which one has the greatest influence on the system. They will also be able to discuss the importance of the parameters numerical value and that of the error of the model in order to obtain a correct fitting. Finally, the students will be able to discern the physical sense of the fitting parameters proposed.


modeling, bacterial growth, Berkeley Madonna, chemical engineering


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Editor: Servei de Formació Permanent i Innovació Educativa. Tel. 0034 961625030 | Fax. 0034 961625032 | Valencia. España

ISSN: 1989-3477 |  Depósito Legal: V5051-2008


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