Do We Know Our Students? The Epistemological Beliefs and Value System in the EHEA


The EHEA emphasizes the programming skills and the autonomous work of the student. It prioritizes the cognitive characteristics of the student as prior knowledge and as a result of learning. This paper analyzes epistemological beliefs and value system of 760 students from the University of Valencia from a descriptive approach. Therefore, the EBS questionnaire (Wood and Kardash, 2002) and Values Questionnaire (Schwartz, 1992) were passed. The results show relatively low adjustment of the epistemological beliefs and the value system regarding the demands of EHEA. These results provide information for professors to design and develop their teaching.


European higher education, epistemological beliefs, values


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Editor: Servei de Formació Permanent i Innovació Educativa. Tel. 0034 961625030 | Fax. 0034 961625032 | Valencia. España

ISSN: 1989-3477 |  Depósito Legal: V5051-2008


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