The Role of Students in The Proposal and Design of Teaching Activities


The ComunicArte16 Teaching Innovation Project is presented in this paper, in which 21 students participated. It was carried out in the academic course 2015-2016 in the subject Economical Structure of the Communication Sector of the degree in Communication and Public Relations of ESIC Business & Marketing School.

ComunicArte16 aims to increase student participation through the proposal and design of their own teaching actions to be carried out in the classroom. From the 14 proposed actions, five teachers who are specialized in the subject were asked to reveal their preferences according to the objectives of the subject's curriculum. This process has been articulated on four axes: analyze, connect, experiment and create (ACEC), following the Felder-Silverman Learning Styles Model (FSLSM). For the selection of teaching actions of ComunicArte16 the Hierarchical Analytical Process (AHP) was followed and which, through the paired comparison of alternatives of self-excluding type, provided a weighted priority and resulted in the effective selection of 4 actions, one for each axis. The analysis of the results supports a high acceptance of ComunicArte16 among the students, increasing active participation in the classroom and improving their commitment through a higher attendance rate.


educational innovation; EHEA; learning experience; Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)


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