Linguistic Diversity and Education


We introduce the shared activities carried out in the 2nd year of teacher training (Foreign language courses) for the subjects Spanish Language and Linguistics at the University of Santiago de Compostela. From a university context of adaptation to the European Higher Education Space and taking into account that we are in a bilingual community, the main objectives of our programs have been: to counter the excessive fragmentation of linguistic materials, to promote reflection on awareness of linguistic and cultural diversity, to promote the application of ICT and to enhance collaborative work.


applied linguistics, language education, linguistic diversity, multilingualism, language integrated treatment


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Editor: Servei de Formació Permanent i Innovació Educativa. Tel. 0034 961625030 | Fax. 0034 961625032 | Valencia. España

ISSN: 1989-3477 |  Depósito Legal: V5051-2008


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