La escuela desde las utopías reales de O. Wright


Sociological theories address to contribute to a society with less social, economic, cultural and educative inequality are capable to see those current experiences, those empiric realities, that walk in this direction. This is the case of O. Wright, Burawoy or Flecha theories. These authors, in their projects and investigation, raise analysis to find the mechanisms or the organizational way by which society may go towards more egalitarian goals. What has allowed them to recognize these realities and locate those factors and features that enable and facilitate their development. Which is the case of Learning Communities in education or Mondragon Cooperative in economy.


Palabras clave

Olin Wright, real utopias, social transformation, social institutions

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Revista de Sociología de la Educación - RASE

ISSN: 2605-1923 (anterior ISSN: 1988-7302)


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