Procesos de formación y aprendizaje a lo largo de la vida


Lifelong learning has today attained a central role in educational policies. It represents a «new educational order» in a knowledge-based society, in which «learning to learn» is becoming more and more essential. The new theoretical impact of the lifelong learning concept challenges educational institutions whilst taking into account that shifting socio-economic contexts require an integration of both the formal, non-formal and informal aspects of context and environment and the reflexivity of learnens. Thus, lifelong learning instigates a veritable paradigm shift. From an analytical perspective, the field of educational sciences must develop a fresh approach to biographical learning and education. This will, of course, change institutional practice as training institutions are forced to react to these new ways of learning and build knowledge using reflective capacities of the learners themselves.

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Revista de Sociología de la Educación - RASE

ISSN: 2605-1923 (anterior ISSN: 1988-7302)


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