Foundations and Foundation Myths of the Troubadours


A review of several origin myths relating to the creation of medieval Occitan lyric poetry. We see a preference for a “great man theory” of origins, though the “great man” may be a fictional woman. Medieval and early Renaissance Occitan authors, including Uc de Saint Circ, Guilhem Molinier, and Jean de Nostredame, used differing origin myths to validate literature in a language that was perceived not to carry the prestige of twelfth- and thirteenth-century Latin or fifteen- and sixteenth-century French.


troubadours; Occitan literature; charter myths; foundation myths; Guilhem IX de Peitieus; Uc de Saint Circ; Jean de Nostredame; Guilhem Molinier; Consistori de gaia sciensa; Eble II de Ventadorn; Clémence Isaure

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