Turtles from the middle Miocene (MN5) of Somosaguas (Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid, Spain)


The systematic study of the vertebrate taxa found in the Middle Aragonian fossil sites of Somosaguas (Madrid, Spain) has provided important information on one of the most diverse vertebrate assemblages recognized in the Middle Miocene of the Madrid Basin. Although the mammals are the most abundant and diverse taxa recognized in Somosaguas, other vertebrate groups are also represented there. Several elements assigned to turtles, hitherto unpublished, are recognized. Their analyses allow to identify them as belonging to two terrestrial taxa, both assigned to Testudinidae. One of them is attributed cf. Cheirogaster, taxon very common in the Spanish Aragonian sites, and specifically in the Madrid Basin. The other taxon is identified as cf. Paleotestudo, a genus not previously cited in this basin

Palabras clave

Somosaguas, Madrid Basin, middle Aragonian, Chelonii, Testudinidae

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