Meanderovaleichnus huenickeni ichnogen. et ichnosp. nov. from the Bajo de Vélez Formation (Upper Carboniferous-Permian), Argentina: a new case of worm-type burrowing


A new ichnofossil, Meanderovaleichnus huenickeni ichnogen. et ichnosp. nov., is described from the fluviolacustrine deposits of the Bajo de Véliz Formation (Upper Carboniferous–Permian). The trace fossil consists of meanders (epichnial) with regular constrictions of variable width along the course. It is interpreted as a locomotion trace (repichnion) due to peristaltic burrowing of a worm, probably an annelid

Palabras clave

Ichnology, Upper Paleozoic, Argentina, Meanderovaleichnus huenickeni, repichnia

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