Estudio arqueozoológico de la fauna del "Alto de Castejón" (Navaridas, Álava)


Bone remains coming from the “Alto de Castejón” (Navaridas, Alava), a site dated on the Iron Age I, are studied on the present work.  Predominance of domestic species is verified; to point out bovines cattle and followed by sheep/goat and pig. The faunal structure of this sample is compared to other contemporary sites on the northern Iberian Peninsula. The anatomic representation of bones, age and sex distribution of each domestic flock is also analysed to establish profit use and exploit patters of different livestock components.

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Editada por el Departament de Prehistòria, Arqueologia i Història Antiga de la Universitat de València

ISSN electrónico: 2254-0512

ISSN impreso: 2253-7295