Materializing music and sound in some phoenician and punic contexts


Music and sound would have been essential aspects of everyday life in Phoenician and Punic times. However they have been largely
neglected in the specialist literature, which has traditionally paid more attention to visual features of material culture and has ignored the
other senses such as hearing. We begin this article by contextualizing our uses of specifi c terms such as music, sound, instruments and
embodiment. We then describe the geographical and chronological framework of the materials selected, and fi nally we analyse the
evidence of musical and sound production in the material record.

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Editada por el Departament de Prehistòria, Arqueologia i Història Antiga de la Universitat de València

ISSN electrónico: 2174-517X

ISSN impreso: 0210-3729

doi: 10.7203/SAGVNTVM