La curaduría, el arte sonoro y la intermedia en México


The concepts of intermedia and transdiscipline are defined and their
application in the arts realm is endorsed. Intemedia art in Mexico is examined
from the sixties of the twentieth century to the present. Curatorship and cultural
management are highlighted as unbeatable disciplines to bring closer the
different artistic disciplines and to give place to new hybrid natured creations,
and a criticism is made to the incapacity of the cultural institutions to diffuse
this kind of art by way of analyzing different cases of alternative and
independent cultural management that have given place to interesteing
intermedia curatorial projects. Also, the roles of curator as artist and artist as
curator are widely abalyzed. Curatorship can be a worthy tool, not only for
creating new flows of artistic creation that will allow the circulation of this type
of art, but also to bring interaction between artists from different disciplines, to
create social equality, and to increase communication between different social

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Copyright (c) 2019 Itamar. Revista de investigación musical: territorios para el arte

Los textos publicados en esta revista están bajo una licencia internacional Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-Compartir Igual 4.0. ISSN:1889-1713 e-ISSN:2386-8260