Ramón Barce y lo escénico: entre la biografía y la bibliografía


This work proposes, by means of the biographical and
bibliographical study, the revaluation of the scenic in the trajectory of the music
composer Ramón Barce (Madrid, 1928-2008). Both for the theatrical -whether
lyrical or not- as well as through the phonetic composition and the art of Action,
the scenic is fundamental for this also prestigious professor and critic. Barce
was a young actor and performer known in the Madrid house theatre, as well as
a scholar of the lyric theatre and zarzuela editor. It is proved with all this that
the theatrical in Barce, so far a facet little or nothing valued, however it is
essential to understand the character, formation and development of this
significant member of the Spanish avant-gardes of the second half of the
twentieth century.

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Copyright (c) 2019 Itamar. Revista de investigación musical: territorios para el arte

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