Estructura del alcornocal de Mosquera tras un aprovechamiento secular (Serra d'Espadà, Castellón, España)


The implementation of a modified version of Gentry?s method to Mosquera?s cork oak forest (Azuébar, Catellón) provides quantitative data on its structure, biomass and biodiversity. This study interprets the obtained results as due to the historical cork removal of this forest, and to other traditional uses such as vegetal charcoal production or removals of biomass fuels. This paper provides useful knowledge on the conditions and dynamics of a managed forest, exploited intensively until early 1960s and now destined to new uses.

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Cuadernos de Geografía de la Universitat de València
Revista editada por el Departament de Geografia de la UV
Equipo Editorial, Consejo de Redacción y Asesor

ISSN: 0210-086X | ISSN Digital: 2695-7965
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