Palaeobiological study of the Holocene micromammal assemblage from the Cueva del Hueso (Castrillón, Asturias, NW Spain)


The Cueva del Hueso is located in Castrillón, Asturias. In this work, we carried out a taxonomic, palaeoecological and biochronological study of the micromammals that inhabited the cave environment during the genesis of its most recent level, Level 0. The recovered assemblage presents considerable diversity, yielding a minimum of 286 individuals belonging to 16 taxa. This species association indicates that the landscape would be dominated by open areas and forested patches, with cooler climatic conditions than the current. The presence of Rattus sp. and Mus musculus, along with the climatic inferences, have allowed estimating a relative chronology for Level 0 between 450 AD and 1850 AD.

Palabras clave

palaeoclimate, palaeoenvironment, Mus musculus, Rattus sp., Meghalayan

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