Rhabdocrinus scotocarbonarius (Wright), a crinoid from the Carboniferous 'Grioite' limestone of Palencia, Northwest Spain


A specimen of the Carboniferous crinoid species Rhabdocrinus scotocarbonarius (Wright) is recorded from an outcrop near Barruelo de Santullan, Palencia Province, N Spain. This represents only the sixth crinoid species to be recorded from the pre-Westphalian Carboniferous rocks of Spain. The specimen is described and comparisons made with other material allocated to Rhabdocrinus including Rhabdocrinus vatagini Arendt.

Palabras clave

Crinoids, Poteriocrinitidae Rhabdocrinus, Carboniferous, Pre-Westphalian, Palencia, Spain.

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