Devonian udoteacean green algae from the Cantabrian Mountains (Santa Lucía Formation), NW-Spain.


The erect Udoteacean green algae Pseudopalaeoporella lummatonensis (Elliott, 1961) and "Litanaia" graecensis Hubmann, 1990 are described from the Santa Lucía Formation (Lower to Middle Devonian; Upper Emsian to Lower Eifelian) at Geras de Gordón (NW-Spain, Cantabrian Mountains). Investigations of the depositional environment of the sections containing udoteacean thalli indicate a position in a protected subtidal area on a gently inclined ramp. Floristic and biogeographical relations are discussed.

Palabras clave

: Calcareous Green AJgae (Udoteaceans), Lower Devonian (Emsian), Spain, Systematics, Biogeography.

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