A revision of the dasycladale alga Uraloporella (Chlorophycophyta, upper Paleozoic, Asturias, Spain


A well-preserved Uraloporella boundstone has been discovered in the Cuera Limestones lithostratigraphic unit of the Carboniferous of Asturias (Spain), in a level of Moscovian age (Podolsky time equivalent). The accompanying microfauna allows us to assign this level to the foraminiferal Zone 25 of Mamet, and to the B subzone of the Fusulinella Zone of van Ginkel. Biometric study of the thalli indicates that ali previously-proposed specles (massíeuxae, radiata, rara, setosa, síeswerdaí) are variants of one single taxon, Uraloporella varíabilis Korde, 1950.

Palabras clave

Beresellid algae, taxonomy, Moscovian.

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