Wagneropteris minima, a new medullosalean pteridosperm from the middle Westphalian (Middle Plennsylvanian) of the Peñarroya-Belmez-Espiel Coalfield (Córdoba province, SW Spain)


A new taxon, Wagneropteris minima gen. and sp. Nov., is described from lower Balsovian strata of the Peñarroya-Belmez-Espiel Coalfield (Córdoba province, SW Spain). Most important for a generic diagnosis is the presence of small pinnae on the antepenultimate rachis and intercalated pinnules on the penultimate rachis and imparipinnate last order pinnae. It probably has affinities with the Callipteridium-complex of medullosalean fronds, belonging to the fossil-family Cyclopteridaceae

Palabras clave

Wagneropteris minima gen. and sp. Nov., Medullosales, middle Westphalian, Peñarroya-Belmez-Espiel, Coalfield, SW Spain

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