Revision and significance of the Westphalian (Middle Pennsylvanian) arborescent lycopsid Bergeria dilatata (Lindley & Hutton) Álvarez-Vázquez & Wagner


Bergeria dilatata (Lindley & Hutton) Alvarez-Vazquez & Wagner, a Middle Pennsylvanian lycopsid, is redescribed based on type material from England as well as 586 specimens from the Peñarroya-Belmez-Espiel Coalfield, Cordoba province, southern Spain. The species is characterized by longer than broad, smooth leaf cushions showing false leaf scars, and the presence of perennial, long, entire, single-veined leaves. A complete synonymy is presented and 21 new species (two of them with doubts), previously placed in 6 different genera, have been synonymized. Associated  Flemingites-type cones, determined as Flemingites russelianus, yielded  in situ spores of the Lagenoisporites  rugosus type and microspores of the Microspinosporites type.

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