Quaternary cliff-dwelling bovids (Capra, Rubicapra, Hemitragus, Ovis): site's typology and taphonomic remarks


In Europe, Quaternary karstic deposits yield commonly remains of Caprinae (Capra, Rupicapra, Hemitragus, Ovis). A database is elaborated on rich-caprine sites, especially from France and Spain. Based on data dealing with topography and morphology of karstic settings (sinkholes, horizontal galleries), and quantification of faunal remains (NISP, skeletal elements) as well as taphonomic observations (age classes, sex-ratio, carnivore activity), a typology of caprine sites is proposed. Questions are raised about deposit formation and agents of such accumulations. Preliminary data suggest the importance of medium-sized felids (leopard) and canids (wolf) as main predators of cliff-dwelling bovids and/or canids as a systematic secondary bone modifier. Other types of sites concern natural traps and anthropogenic bone accumulations (rock shelters and caves) mainly dated of Late Paleolithic.

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Editada por el Departament de Prehistòria, Arqueologia i Història Antiga de la Universitat de València

ISSN electrónico: 2254-0512

ISSN impreso: 2253-7295