Nuevas tecnologías aplicadas a la taxonomía: aportaciones desde las nuevas técnicas de reconstrucción tridimensional de alteraciones óseas


Since the publication of M. Pérez Ripoll’s book titled Los Mam.feros del Yacimiento Musteriense de Cova Negra (Játiva, Valencia) in 1977, the field of taphonomy has come a long way. In recent years taphonomic analyses have been growing in importance, with more sites including the work of specialists in this field fordifferent topics of investigation. Here, in tribute to the work of Pérez Ripoll, we present a brief overview of the most recent advances in taphonomic research applied to the Palaeolithic era of the Iberian Peninsula, incorporating new technologies that contribute greatly to solving specific taphonomic questions. Through these advances we present means of obtaining sufficient resolution for the identification of raw materials and tool types used to process animal carcasses, as well as the classification of carnivore agencies through the morphology of their tooth marks and the differentiation between naturally and anthropically produced microscopic traces.

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Editada por el Departament de Prehistòria, Arqueologia i Història Antiga de la Universitat de València

ISSN electrónico: 2254-0512

ISSN impreso: 2253-7295