Performing arts and mediation technology in the period of lockdown


Advancements in digital technologies have become novel ways to
enrich communication, expression, and transmission of arts knowledge.
Technology is increasingly implemented in the performance space, as a source
of inspiration for artists. Especially in this period of lockdown, mediation
technology has turned out to be an essential tool for different aspects of social
life, as in performing arts. With venues, schools and artistic activities closed,
performers, students and spectators have been obliged to keep connecting in
remote conditions.
This article wants to retrace the aesthetic impact of mediation technology in
performing arts during this period of lockdown by focusing on the aspects that
induced advancements of strategies for the transmission of performing arts. The
goal is to illustrate the potentialities as well as the challenges of the arttechnology encounter by underlining the transformation of the interaction with
and perception of the performance space in remote conditions and in distance
learning. The implementation of digital technologies is contributing to the
evolution of the performing arts sector by facilitating futuristic approaches.

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Copyright (c) 2022 Itamar. Revista de investigación musical: territorios para el arte

Los textos publicados en esta revista están bajo una licencia internacional Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-Compartir Igual 4.0. ISSN:1889-1713 e-ISSN:2386-8260