La vocalidad del violín en el norte de Italia en torno a 1600


Throughout the present research I intend to demonstrate the
powerful link between the vocal practice in accompanied monody and the way
Early Italian violin music ought to be interpreted. Due to the scarce amount of
articulation and ornamentation in this music, I consider that historical criteria
should be found in order to back up the subjective choices in its performance.
According to this, I focus on reviewing sources that describe the vocal practice
around 1600, but also contemporary sources in which we can find instructions
addressed to bow instruments. Besides, a catalogue of articulations and ornamentations present in early editions of printed violin music is attached.
Last, I comment on a selection of violin music of the early Seventeenth Century,
on which, based on the information previously gathered, I analyze those
elements and drifts that are specifically vocal.

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Copyright (c) 2022 Itamar. Revista de investigación musical: territorios para el arte

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