Rasgos generales de la ópera en Valencia durante la monarquía de Alfonso XII


In the present article a detailed investigation of the pregnant artistic
elements and the receiving elements of the operatic spectacle in the city of
Valencia during the monarchy of Alfonso XII has been carried out. The objective
of this study has been to know firsthand the general features of this theatrical
modality in the Levantine capital during the brief reign of the monarch.
Although during this period the opera in Valencia shows more lights than
shadows, it is no less true that the decade between the years 1875-1885 will be
the anticipation of an increase in operatic activity that will reach during the
Regency of Maria Cristina de Habsburgo-Lorena and the monarchy of Alfonso
XIII the moment of fullness.

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Copyright (c) 2019 Itamar. Revista de investigación musical: territorios para el arte

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