La preparación pedagógica del músico-profesor: historia, retos y perspectivas


This article addresses the importance of the pedagogical preparation
of those who dedicate themselves to the formative processes of the future
professional musicians, through the teaching of the diverse disciplines and
subjects of the specialized musical education. In this sense, this preparation
must be adapted to the objectives and contents of specialized musical education
in each of its profiles, which makes it distinctive and flexible, as opposed to a
pedagogical training related to other disciplines or subjects, taking into
consideration that it is an artistic manifestation that is complex and
encompassing of multifaceted professional performances, which characterizes
its formative processes and that depends to a high degree on the aptitudes of the
subjects of learning. Moreover, we show the experiences obtained, through the Master Program in Training Processes of the Teaching of the Arts (University of
Arts, ISA (Havana, Cuba), as a way for perfection of the psychological,
pedagogical and methodological abilities of the teachers of the subsystem of
artistic education, graduates of the Higher Institute of Art (ISA), among which
are the musicians who are dedicated to the teaching of the different musical
profiles; interpreters, composers, musicologists, among others. This modality of
postgraduate has been organized by the Department of Pedagogy-Psychology of
the University of the Arts, since 2011 and has developed three editions so far.

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Copyright (c) 2019 Itamar. Revista de investigación musical: territorios para el arte

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