El sistema tonal: la intuición schenkeriana y el pensamiento complejo de Edgar Morin


A revision is set forth of the basic contents of the theory developed by Heinrich Schenker, which can be considered as intuitive complex ideas. Link, motivated association, structural coherence, Unity, Hierarchy, and Organizational Structure Levels are notions that lead the French thinker Edgar Morin to build his own Paradigm of Complexity: Systemics, Cybernetics and Self-organization. We establish the relevant relations and propose a new meaning for Schenker's corpus, an interaction that keeps the thought of the Austrian theorist away, and that of his reductionist followers, and introduces the tonal system in the parameters of the Complex Thought, justified through the work of Edgar Morin.

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Copyright (c) 2019 Itamar. Revista de investigación musical: territorios para el arte

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