El Auditorio de Música de Zaragoza: un espacio multicultural para el siglo XXI


This research deals with a study about the current situation of the Auditorio-Palacio de Congresos de Zaragoza with one main objective: to propose a series of improvement actions that transform the entity into a place of cultural / social interaction, having as its axis the promotion of the Classical music, as a common good for all citizens. Prior to the preparation of a real diagnosis of the situation or evaluation, we will analyze economic and administrative management, environmental and economic sustainability, programming, the audience and potential, marketing and communication, the use of new technologies and human resources, from 2014 to 2016. Our proposal is to create musical / cultural / social brand, that is, to make the Auditorium a cultural center open to all citizens, made from people and for people, that generates a community of interconnected people through what the Auditorium offers: a place of social interaction, exciting and attractive for citizens.

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Copyright (c) 2018 Itamar. Revista de investigación musical: territorios para el arte

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