Identidad y transculturización en el folclor musical chileno


What we call Chilean music today is a music that feeds on a transculturization that is increasing and evolving daily. As a consequence of this, Chilean folklore has been invited to participate in avant-garde, contemporary and, above all, popular musical creations. To understand it, it is necessary to cover certain questions about Chilean identity, accepting that national identities have never been something static or permanent, but have been changing and transforming into history. Later, in order to elucidate the questions about Chilean musical identity, we must go to its beginnings and understand what hybridization it has experienced over time, allowing us to clarify the origin of our traditional music.

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Copyright (c) 2018 Itamar. Revista de investigación musical: territorios para el arte

Los textos publicados en esta revista están bajo una licencia internacional Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-Compartir Igual 4.0. ISSN:1889-1713 e-ISSN:2386-8260