Reserved by God: The Role of the Nacionalcatolicismo and Falangistas Songs in the Building of a Censored Identity in the Spanish Female Body


When approaching notions of identity and body evaluation it is necessary to assess them in time and space as the human body is, fundamentally, a representation of the self in daily life events. The human body is evaluated in time and space, but also by the structures of dominant power wherein it functions. In the Spanish political milieu of post- Civil War, wherein access to all forms of capital was restricted by censorship, the ruling ideology imposed a single political credo, an enforced unitary religion and strict moral rules to control the population and promote submission. In this context, political ideology and religious belief became propaganda tools for the regulation of any possible dissenting agents and dispositions found in all social strata. Gender differential in Spain in the aftermath of the Civil War was dominated by artificially constructed roles based on biological essentialism, and the determination of gender – in particular feminine gender- was also defined by the pressures of historical circumstances that denied individual initiative.

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Copyright (c) 2018 Itamar. Revista de investigación musical: territorios para el arte

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