La distribución espacial de los equipamientos geriátricos en la Comarca de la Ribera Baixa


In the current society, the attention and the care of the elderly are fundamental if we want to continue offering quality of life. From the different medical assistance facilities, the nursing home appear as a key resource for those whose needs overflow their own capacities. Thus, their location and access appear as determinants in their welfare as in their families, since they permit to maintain their familiars and socials links. Nevertheless, scarcely exist instruments that organize territorially these equipments letting such ¿relations of sociofamiliar continuity¿ to the market laws. It is for that reason that we presented here some criteria to consider in the exercise of the necessary planning that a service like this in our scope and till now, as soon as it has scarcely been developed.

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Cuadernos de Geografía de la Universitat de València
Revista editada por el Departament de Geografia de la UV
Equipo Editorial, Consejo de Redacción y Asesor

ISSN: 0210-086X | ISSN Digital: 2695-7965
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