Peligro, vulnerabilidad y riesgo de inundación en ramblas mediterráneas


This paper proposes a methodology for mapping flood risk in ephemeral streams, based on the estimation of flood hazard and vulnerability, which has been applied to the floodplains of Barranc del Carraixet and Rambla de Poyo catchments. Hazard has been assessed using hydrogeomorphological methods. Vulnerability has been estimated as a combination between the economic value of land use and human exposure, for three models of intensity of use, related to different time periods: working days, nights, and weekends and holidays. The method has proved to be simple, effective and easily comparable. The results show different patterns of risk for each floodplain, even though both of them are part of the metropolitan area of Valencia.

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Cuadernos de Geografía de la Universitat de València
Revista editada por el Departament de Geografia de la UV
Equipo Editorial, Consejo de Redacción y Asesor

ISSN: 0210-086X | ISSN Digital: 2695-7965
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