Métodos de documentación arqueológica aplicados en arqueología subacuática: el modelo fotogramétrico y el fotomosaico del pecio fenicio Mazarrón-2 (Puerto de Mazarrón, Murcia)


In 2007, ARQVA – National Museum of Underwater Archaeology carried out an archaeological project at the Phoenician shipwreck Mazarron-2 (Port of Mazarron, Murcia, Spain). The aims of the project were to check the state of preservation of the hull remains of the ship as well as the metal structure that protects the site. Moreover, the available archaeological data on the shipwreck were updated for the purpose of creating a new digital archive of the site. A real scale photogrammetrical 3D model of the interior of the hull of the ship was created using the program Photomodeler. In addition, a high-resolution photomosaic of the ship was produced since this had not been done in the past. This article describes the methods employed in the realization of both the photogrammetrical model and the photomosaic. Finally, an evaluation is offered of the applications of these recording techniques for archaeological hull remains underwater.

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Editada por el Departament de Prehistòria, Arqueologia i Història Antiga de la Universitat de València

ISSN electrónico: 2174-517X

ISSN impreso: 0210-3729

doi: 10.7203/SAGVNTVM