Introducing Information and Communication Technologies in Statistics Education


Taking into account difficulties of students to understand the concept of statistical models, in a degree course in Probability and Statistics for Engineering was raised the incorporation of technology as a teaching resource. To encourage interaction was created a Google group on the platform where students and teachers participated freely. In parallel, a teaching sequence was designed referring to random variables with support in the Excel spreadsheet. Both proposals were evaluated qualitatively and quantitatively with class registration and student surveys. The results helped identify weaknesses and strengths as well as to reformulate the strategies implemented.


ingeniería; probabildad y estadística; TIC; excel


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Editor: Servei de Formació Permanent i Innovació Educativa. Tel. 0034 961625030 | Fax. 0034 961625032 | Valencia. España

ISSN: 1989-3477 |  Depósito Legal: V5051-2008


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