Evaluating the Continuing Evaluation


The main objective of this paper is to analyze the impact that the new methodologies have on the learning results. The present paper analyzes the effect on the results of the students with both methodologies: the traditional, with only a final exam, and the methodology based on continuous assessment. The data come from a non-anonymous survey filled in the day of the final exam. As the survey is non-anonymous, the data provided has been combined with the marks. The main result is that the students that have chosen the continuous evaluation got better marks and, so, a better learning result. This improvement is due to the greater effort of those students who choose the continuous evaluation.


education, macroeconomics, continuous assessment, EHEA, performance


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Editor: Servei de Formació Permanent i Innovació Educativa. Tel. 0034 961625030 | Fax. 0034 961625032 | Valencia. España

ISSN: 1989-3477 |  Depósito Legal: V5051-2008


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